Monday, May 08, 2006

Automagic Bowinator

On a busy monday afternoon, in the heat of the day, Greg bounded down the walkway on 24th street. Half past two and nothing to do - he was running around exploring campus. He tore across the street, in front of a car, toward Welch, the old behemoth. Passing the trees, he came to the door and ran in.

Up at the top of the stairs, something caught his eye. It was a valve - like all the valves and pipes that were in plain view around campus - but it was rainbow-colored!

What would you do?

Greg went right over, without even thinking, and gave the knob a full turn. He waited a moment; nothing happened. Then he heard an incomprehensibly loud noise.

He looked around, remaining as motionless as possible. No one had seen him, probably. Still in shock, he turned around and ran down the stairs, and back outside, only to be more surprised. With the sun still shining brightly, it was absolutely pouring, everywhere in sight. He was drenched in seconds, but he didn't run back inside - because he was mesmerized by eight magnificent rainbows that now ruled the sky. Everyone had stopped going wherever they were going, and stood in awe.

Greg looked around. Would it stop? He went back in the building. The pipes were shuddering visibly - dangerously! He stepped up into the sharp sprays of water coming out of the joints in the pipe, and grapsed the rainbow knob. He struggled with it - but the knob wouldn't turn. Water was obviously coming through at an incredible speed - the valve was stuck open for good.



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